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ABMA Publications
Please find below a collection of white papers produced by ABMA Product and Marketing Groups and Technical Consultants.
BOILERS Specification Design Life Requirements and Implications Relative to Boilers Characterization of the U. S. Industrial Commercial Boiler Population: A Study by Energy; Environmental Analysis, Inc. Submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 2005 Packaged Commercial Watertube Boiler Boiler Horsepower: History of Definitions in the Firetube Boiler Industry PACKAGED BOILER EFFICIENCY Determining & Testing Boiler Efficiency: for Commercial/Institutional Packaged Boilers RENTAL BOILERS HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATORS (HRSGs) Comparison of Fatigue Assessment Techniques: for Heat Recovery Steam Generators DEAERATORS Deaeration: A Discussion of Boiler Deaerator Technologies In Use in Today's Market Place ... A White Paper by the Deaerator Manufacturers Product/Market Group of the American Boiler Manufacturers Association For additional resources, please review the ABMA publications available for purchase through TechStreet, by Clicking Here.